Wednesday, December 29, 2010

DOH conducted a writeshop for the IRR of RA 10028

          The National Center for Disease Prevention and Control, one of the agencies under the Department of Health, conducted a "Writeshop on the Guidelines of the Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) of Republic Act 10028, "Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009 on November 24-26, 2010.

          At Kimberly Hotel, Padre Faura St., Manila, the writeshop was participated by various stakeholders like government agencies concerned such as regional offices of the Department of Health, DILG, the Employers Confederation of the Philippines, the International Labour Organization, UNICEF.  Susanita "Babes"  G.  Tesiorna represented the Alliance of Workers in the Informal Economy/Sector.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pakistan Officials' Study on Homeworkers

          The Department of Labor, the Bureau of Workers with Special Concerns specifically, was one of the stop of the group of Pakistani Officials who were on tour to study about the homeworkers.  The said officials were high ranking from the Pakistan Ministry of Labour.

          Susanita "Babes" G.  Tesiorna, President of ALLWIE/S was one of those invited to speak before the officials on Nov. 30, 2010 and she was tasked to share to the Pakistani officials how the national government agencies and the workers in the informal sector works as development partners in maintreaming to the national legislation, local government legislation and programs and projects.  She focused on RA 8425 or the Anti-Poverty Alleviation Act of 2008 which is implemented as the National Anti-Poverty Commission.  She  also explained, structural organization especially on the partnership between the informal sector and the Department of Labour. 

          On the homeworkers, she cited data on industrial homeworkers, the DOLE Department Order No. 5 which provides protection for the workers and informed the Guests that the Triapartite Industrial Peace Council (TIPC) already signed the endorsement for the ratification of the ILO Convention 177.

          Mr. Robert Cudal, from the Bureau of Workers and Special Concerns, presented also the projects on SSS for the informal sector and its roll-out to provinces.  Dir. Chita Cilindro of the Bureau of Workers with Special Concerns hosted the whole morning orientation program.


Decent Work : Making It Your Own

          The Department of Labour-Institute for Labor Studies and the International Labour Organization conducted a "Speakers Bureau Workshop on Decent Work" on August 11-12, 2010 at the Microtel Mall of Asia.  The acitivity aimed to have the participants :  1) articulate their understanding and appreciation of Decent Work and how to advocate for it, 2) express their committment to improve on their presentation and advocacy skills using social marketing principles, and 3) demonstrate their resolve toward continuous learning on decent work and relevant concerns, and mainstreaming Decent Work in all that they do.

          The participants were representatives of trade unions, informal sector associations, academe, employers associations and government agencies. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

TUCP-DAWN and FFW-FNV conducted National Workshop

     On Dec. 14-15, 2010, the TUCP hosted the National Workshop on Gender Equality and Decent Work for the TUCP-DAWN and  FFW-FNV. The ITUC-Asia Pacific supported the activity.

     Ms. Flor Cabatingan of the TUCP-DAWN was requested by the participants to orient the stucture of ITUC-Women's Committee and its connectivity with the Women's Committee. She siad that the women, after the two (2) international labor organizations merged, the TUCP and FFW women's committees got titular representation in her person.

     Susanita "Babes" G.  Tesiorna, President of ALLWIE/S (Alliance of Workers in the Informal Economy/Sector) presided the morning session on the second day of the workshop. She presented salient points of the RA 9262 otherwise known as the Anti-Violence Against Women and Children. She emphasized that this law cuts across all women and children in a relationship regardless of her employment status.  This is very important that the Barangay Captains should understand the law being the first implementer with the issuance of the Barangay Protective Order to protect the women and children  from further harm.

TUCP on its 35th Anniversary

On Dec. 14, 2010:  The representatives of Federations and Informal Sector Associations
planted fifty (50)  trees at the Quezon City Wildlife and Parks,
Elliptical circle, Quezon City  

TUCP cares for Climate Change and Ecological Balance.  Help save
Mother Earth by planting more trees. 

Susanita "Babes" Tesiorna, President of ALLWIE/S offered
flowers. Beside her is Sister Connie Angco.

The 35th TUCP Anniversary started with a mass at its Solidarity Hall. Delegates from various
affiliates attended the mass and other anniversary activities such as Solidarity Night at the
Annabel Restaurant, Decent Work and Green Jobs training of youth and women's training. 
The Federation of Free Workers participated the women's activities on Dec. 14-15, 2010.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

House of Representatives : Labcom TWG Meeting approves Bill on Security of Tenure

Courtesy of Democratic Socialist
Women of the Phils.

         Dec. 8, 2010,  the Rooms 9 and 10 of Mitra Hall, House of Representatives were crowded with plenty of Resource Persons, advocates, workers from the formal labor and informal employment, employers and advocates to air sentiments, proposals, opposition and agreemetns to the provisions of the eight (8) versions of House Bills for the Secuirty Tenure.  PALEA workers were present and even held press conference outside the room where TWG meeting was ongoing.  The informal secot leaders asked the sponsors of the bill what can be the bill in terms of security of workplaces of the informal economy. Gender issues was raised by Beth Angsioco to ensure that the bill is gender sensitive.

From MAGCAISA :  Elizabeth Angsioco,, Susanita Tesiorna, Baby Gula. 
Resureccion Lao from the ESCR was also present.

         The Committee on Labor Chair, the Hon. Representative Ong, mentioned that the House Bill 168 will be tackled by his committee early next year.  While some leaders from MAGCAISA were in the TWG meeting, other partners were busy also giving roses to Representatives at the entrance doors towards the session hall and such acitivity of rose giving with the MAGCAISA card signals a series of advocacy activities towards the legislation of the Magna Carta for the Workers in the Informal Economy.   

Planning for the Passage of HB 768 . A Magna Carta for the Workers in the Informal Employment

       The Magna Carta Informal Sector Alliance (MAGCAISA), a loose alliance of twenty-three 23 organizations organized to advocate for the passage of HB 768 otherwise known as "An Act Providing for a Magna Carta of  Workers in the Informal Employment, Institutionalizing Mechanisms For Implementation Thereof And For Other Purpose held a planning workshop at Adarna Restaurant, Dec. 1, 2010 and hosted by the Democratic Socialist Women in the Philippines.  It is a consolidated bill of Representative Juan Edgardo Angara, Representative Danilo Ramon Fernandez and Representative Lorenzo Tanada III.
              Other organizations who participated were  from the Free Trade Alliance. Susanita Tesiorna, President of ALLWIES is one of the members of MAGCAISA in her representation as KAKASAHA President. There was also discussion on current bills in both legislative houses that would effect the lives of

 the workers in the informal employment. A plan was crafted for the passage of the HB 768. The review of Labor Code was also discussed and Susanita Tesiorna and Josephine Parilla informed the body of their participation to the DOLE-ILS process on the Labor Code review.  However, the two ladies raised also concerns that they do not have the knowledge if their inputs were included in the amendatory bill.  Tesiorna also informed the body that they proposed addition Book in the Labor Code that will deal on informal labor issues and concerns that are not provided in the current Labor Code. Tesiorna further informed the group that in their NAPC-WISC representatation, they have installed nine (9) Sub-Committees  in the RDC for the informal economy which needs to be sustained.
                It was also agreed to participate as Resource Persons during the HOR TWG of the Committee on Labour on eight bills on Security of Tenure on Dec. 8.